Capitol Improvement Project Status

Contact Sun Mountain property manager for more details

Building C Siding

10/17/2022 Update: The building C siding project is tentatively scheduled to begin in May 2023. Siding material has a 4-5 month leadtime and will be placed on order in November 2022.

Building A Siding

10/17/2022 Update: Building A siding project has been completed July 2022! Contractor was Esquivel Roofing and Siding. Remaining loose ends include painting the garage doors and electrical boxes, and replacing the lights on the garage.

1/29/2021 Update: The building A siding project is on pause, waiting for the final batch of siding material - and for snow melt in the spring!

Building A and C - Roof replacement

1/29/2021 Update: Project was completed in Summer 2020.